Friday, October 22, 2010

What the recent DVD-ROM to buy a good brand?

Friends, "Mr. Juice": I want to buy a DVDROM there any good brand introduced? I fancy Villa initial fast titanium, gold fox 2 Lite brand, Pioneer's heard enough and durable type sucker is not it?

A: DVD-ROM or better to buy Pioneer and Lite-On, Pioneer's DVD-ROM is not alone 121SA this sucker type, if you do not like the sucker type, consider a traditional tray-type, like the Pioneer 121A, Lite The new 16X DVD-ROM, their quality is good, worth your consideration.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Five easy way to get repeat customers

To secure a new customer every time when you might always want to tell him / her that you can do and you want together again. If you can for the future cooperation with this client again, not sure, then you may need to adjust certain aspects.

The first focus

Focus does not mean you need because a particular focus on the needs of a customer to give up other customers. Focus is let your customers know your preferences in the time to complete the task as he can still provide some additional outside services. No need to do something very laborious, just to do some parties initially agreed something needs to be done well, so you will be in cooperation with the customer again.

The second long will it take to get back?

Freelance lose business because a lot back too late. Do not e-mail because of makeup every day to limit their potential business opportunities (if you prefer to others and not to stay e-mail address telephone number so), but if you prefer to do so, make sure your customers know that you kind of habit.

In my own case, if I want to hire someone to work for me, I would like to know how fast I can get his answer. If you are a full-time freelancer, you should use a certain time each day to reply e-mail, phone.

Thirdly to ensure quality, not quantity

When they wanted to build a website, but you have to do three out, just to prove that 'Hey, I will!'. But do you realize that customers just want a website? Quality rather than quantity. If you spend five hours to build three extra sites, it means you not only a waste of five small and might be losing you customers. Close to the contract requirements because these requirements exist in the contract in its own raison d'etre, you made the trip just to prove you extra work, but it will not bring you extra income.

So, you work these flattering, you're good to you by, but does not mean you're the best, because someone can always do better than you. Strive to improve themselves, improve their professional skills, these are the conditions for you to make money.

Fifth return visit

Often overlooked but is the most important way to win repeat customers is a return visit previous customers. Customer service, cash the check, then will he forget about her once again means that you will not get orders from this customer. Spend a little time before you send an email to customers, or email postcards, or a call, tell him you are willing to work for him, you have very interesting projects of cooperation, and you always ready for him again work. Build relationships with your customers, to understand them, so they hire you again, would greatly enhance the possibility.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SAIC Ssangyong Qin Zhu

Recently shortlisted in the world 500 SAIC, in the international development of the road has taken a huge step forward. September 15, SAIC and Ssangyong signed the purchase agreement of its 54.9% stake. September 16, Ssangyong Motor Company's claims Fang Hanguo Chohung Bank chief executive Cuidong Zhu disclosed that the bank is expected to be completed by the end of October this year to SAIC Ssangyong Motor Co. to sell its controlling stake held by the transaction.

Chinese auto companies in the completion of the first independent foreign acquisition, the SAIC has finally had the last laugh.

Rough acquisition of Road

"The acquisition of Ssangyong, SAIC globalization strategy is an important step." SAIC President Hu Maoyuan said so before.

In 2002, SAIC began to plan for acquisition of Ssangyong. January 11, 2003, SAIC's Shanghai Huizhong signed an agreement with Ssangyong Motor, the price of 600 million purchase of Dragons "MB100" the entire production line, which is interested in the industry as SAIC acquisition of Ssangyong's a signal.
Founded in 1954, Korean Ssangyong Motor, South Korea's first automobile manufacturer, one of the world's best provider of off-road vehicle production, initially mainly the production of heavy commercial vehicles and special purpose vehicles, and in 1993 to MUSSO series of four-wheel-drive four-wheel drive off-road vehicles off-road vehicles in Korea representative. 1997 Asian financial crisis, because of funding chain problems, Ssangyong is Korea creditor banks control of the Group. October 2003, Ssangyong creditors decide to sell stake in Ssangyong, the news immediately attracted, including Renault, GM, SAIC and many international buyers.

October 16, 2003, Ssangyong Motor and its creditor banks 55.4% equity group announced that it had sold to SAIC. Subsequently, the two plan to sign a memorandum of understanding during the year 2003. But then suddenly complications, December 16, 2003, SsangYong creditor banks suddenly announced that China Bluestar Group as a "priority negotiation object", the industry suddenly in an uproar. We have speculated on who will eventually enter the White Dragons, the situation again nosedive. After 3 months, Blue Star Group spokesman announced that the acquisition of South Korea's Ssangyong Motor to give up. In response, Blue Star's explanation is due, and Ssangyong Motor's creditors in the price so there are too many differences, the negotiations have stalled. Some auto industry analysts said the lack of government support is the main reason for the failure of Blue Star acquisition of Ssangyong, which from the outset, SAIC received the support of the National Development and Reform Commission.

In fact, alone in terms of overseas shares, SAIC, Ssangyong acquisition is not the first time. In 2002, SAIC that is 59.7 million U.S. dollars of the investment, the acquisition of GM Daewoo Automotive Technologies 10% of the shares. Hu Maoyuan news conference in the acquisition said: "SAIC GM Daewoo will participate in the promotion of SAIC in the capital, products, management, human resources and other aspects into the international market, the accumulation of international management experience."

In addition to the acquisition of Ssangyong, the SAIC capital and the pace of expansion began to try to move towards Europe. Some media reports, the British famous century-old cars and old factory Land Rover (Rover) car in June and SAIC signed a cooperation agreement, the content is one of the two companies up joint-venture companies, and medium-sized cars in Land Rover 45/MGZS cooperation based on the production of new cars. Alleged that SAIC bought the British Rover car company at least 50% stake in the project report has also been reported to the National Development and Reform Commission. Press on this matter to SAIC spokesman Xue Hao confirmation, he said, "This is not a clear result, can not do any position."

Once completed the acquisition of Ssangyong and Land Rover, SAIC will be a set of cars, commercial trucks, commercial buses, SUVs and other full range of models of car manufacturers.

Build its own brand

SAIC acquired abroad on the issue, a senior auto industry analyst with The adsorption of the reporters analyzed. "The acquisition of Double Dragon is probably SAIC strategic move in the car, SAIC Motor Group as one of the three domestic, own R & D capability is weak, not strong, independent brands, after SAIC takeover of Ssangyong Motors promptly raise the technological content, use Ssangyong's R & D capabilities, accelerate the pace of its own brand car production. "

July 12, 2004, SAIC to 97.29 billion yuan in sales revenue results for the first time appeared in the "Fortune" magazine's Global 500 List, became the first Chinese car to enter the world top 500 enterprises, to achieve this goal than the original 3 years ahead of schedule. In the SAIC website, lists the SAIC in 2007 to achieve three strategic objectives, namely: "one million cars annually, among the 500 production vehicles 50,000 own brand." To the present circumstances, it is among the world top 500 have been ahead of schedule, not be long before one million cars annually, the biggest problem now is producing its own brand vehicles 50,000 this goal can be achieved.

"Production independent knowledge of the brand, not just mean the size of the upgrade, it is self-technology, research and development capabilities, and enhance core competitiveness." Industry, said, "At present our own brand car market share of little cars , to develop the automobile industry, must have its own brand, or reduced to make the wedding dress for the position of others. "

How the domestic auto manufacturers develop their own brands, the industry is divided.姣旇緝涓绘祦鐨勮鐐规湁涓や釜锛氫竴鏄悎璧勪紒涓氬皢浼氫负涓浗甯傚満鎺ㄥ嚭鑷繁鐨勫搧鐗岋紱绗簩绉嶆槸鍦ㄩ暱鏈熺殑鍚堣祫杩囩▼涓紝涓柟瀵瑰嚑娆惧競鍦轰富鍔涜溅鍨嬫湁浜嗗叏鏂逛綅鐨勬帉鎻★紝鏍规嵁鑷繁鎵?帉鎻$殑鎶?湳鍔犱箣瀵规湰鍦熷競鍦鸿剦鎼忔妸鎻$殑鐔熺〝锛屾垚绔嬫柊鐨勬苯杞﹀巶锛屽叏鍔涙墦閫犺嚜涓诲搧鐗屻?

闄堟枃鍑垎鏋愮О锛氣?鍙岄緳姹借溅浣滀负闊╁浗绗洓澶ф苯杞﹀巶鍟嗭紝鎷ユ湁鑷繁鐨勭爺鍙戦槦浼嶏紝鍦ㄦ妧鏈拰鐮斿彂涓婃瘮涓浗浼佷笟瑕佸ソ锛屼笉杩囩己灏戝競鍦恒?涓婃苯闆嗗洟鏀惰喘鍙岄緳鍚庯紝涓浗鐨勫競鍦哄皢浼氬悜鍙岄緳鏁炲紑锛屽弻榫欐嫢鏈夌殑鎶?湳瀹炲姏涔熷彲琛ョ己涓婃苯鍦ㄨ嚜涓诲搧鐗屾柟闈㈢殑寤鸿锛岃繖娆℃敹璐鏋滄暣鍚堝緱濂斤紝瀵瑰弻鏂规潵璁叉槸涓弻璧?鈥?br />


闄堟枃鍑敤涓?彞璇濇潵褰㈠涓婃苯闆嗗洟瀵瑰弻榫欑殑鏀惰喘妗堬細鈥滀笂姹芥敹璐弻榫欙紝灏卞ソ姣斾拱鏉ヤ竴涓櫒瀹橈紝鏈?噸瑕佺殑鏄兘涓嶈兘鎶婅繖涓櫒瀹樼敤濂解?銆?br />


涓浗姹借溅甯傚満80%鐨勪骇鑳界敱澶栬祫涓诲锛?0%浠ヤ笂浠介涓哄璧勫搧鐗屽崰鏈夈?鍦ㄨ繃鍘荤殑10澶氬勾閲岋紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟80%浠ヤ笂鐨勫埄娑︾敱涓ゅぇ鍚堣祫鍏徃鈥斺?涓婃捣澶т紬鍜屼笂娴烽?鐢ㄨ础鐚?鎹笟鍐呬汉澹?闇诧紝2003骞翠笂姹介泦鍥?0浜垮厓浜烘皯甯佺殑鎬诲埄娑︿腑锛屾潵鑷悎璧勫叕鍙哥殑灏卞崰浜嗚繎90%銆?br />
浜嬪疄涓婏紝杩戜竴涓ゅ勾鏉ワ紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟姝e湪涓?涓?寮?寤鸿鑷繁鐨勬牳蹇冪珵浜夊姏銆?br />
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Taiwan 3G competition for business opportunities in the Mainland 300 000 000 000

According to reports, the two sides bridge communications industry meeting held on June 3, China Taiwan, "Ministry of Economic Affairs," Minister Wong was optimistic about the future of the ball 1 to 2 years of 3G mobile phone market in China will reach 150 million, China 3G terminal size of about 600 billion yuan Taiwan businessmen are expected to be 60 billion yuan of which took away (about 300 billion yuan NT) business opportunities.

Liu Liqing of China Association of Communication Enterprises (left) attended the opening ceremony of China Taiwan, "Ministry of Economic Affairs," Vice Minister Huang Jung (right), gifts

The largest ever cross-strait bridge communications industry conference "cross-strait industrial cooperation and the exchange of communications meeting" from June 3 starting at 2 days in Taiwan. Cross-strait communications about 500 participants, China by the China Association of Communication Enterprises Association Delegation in Beijing traffic information about 100 people to the conference.

General Assembly President, ITRI long-Lee says that last year, output value of China Taiwan communication industry has exceeded 1 trillion yuan NT, China's telecommunications equipment manufacturing output has exceeded 3 trillion yuan, showing a strong cross-strait communications industry capacity. China Taiwan IC design industry in the information and end products to enjoy high global market share, China is the center for production of communications equipment, combined with the two sides will be able to complement each other.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

China's economy remains to be seen whether there are signs of rebound

1,2-month investment in fixed assets grew 26.5% in March manufacturing PMI index over the 50 points mark, signs of China's economy rebound;

Despite signs of improvement, but really bottomed out, most analysts caution that further observations should be

Although the cold weather continued, but that is the earth blowing slightly heating season, it is increasingly clear that the the bright and warm spring. Appears simultaneously with the natural seasons, under the international financial crisis China's economy began to reveal a trace of warmth.

G20 financial summit in attending the eve of President Hu Jintao told reporters that China's macroeconomic control policy measures have achieved initial results, showing a positive sign. Earlier, Premier Wen Jiabao also said that after a period of time, and in some areas and industries steady rise of the signs.

Late last year, in response to financial crisis of the "National 10," published this year, the proactive fiscal policy and a moderately easy monetary policy gradually becoming apparent effect. 1,2 month fiery credit, bank lending has broken trillion, respectively, 1.62 trillion and 1.07 trillion. National Bureau of Statistics economic data for this year's 1,2 month, people can see some positive signs. For example: investment in fixed assets over the same period last year, an increase of 26.5%; total retail sales of social consumer goods and an increase of 15.2% compared to last year; electricity generation also fell from last year more 11,12 to 1,2 months of this year fell into more less. In addition, with the top ten industry restructuring and revitalization of the proposal and the government launched a series of policies to stimulate consumption, the market had a positive performance, significant increase in 1,2-month car sales, home appliances, farm machinery sales warming, oil consumption and part of the city's real estate sales there have been signs of improvement. In addition, the manufacturing purchasing managers index for 4 months, began to rise, and crossed the line marked economic expansion and contraction of the 50 point mark. Ma Jiantang National Bureau of Statistics said, which means that China's economy is likely to have stabilized.

Of course, the number of both 1,2-month positive signs, but also not wholly satisfactory. Such as foreign demand remains weak, exports fell 21.2%; scale industrial growth rate is still low, only 3.8%, marking a new low last 7 years. Taking into account the growth of secondary industry, the impact of China's economic growth, first quarter GDP growth may not immediately out of the doldrums.

Department of State Information Center deputy director of economic forecasting Zhu Baoliang analysis in an interview that the first two months of economic indicators can be said to have good and bad. Good investment, credit, etc., based on these indicators improved from a lot of money invested and the previous 230 billion yuan central government expenditure, reflecting the government increase the investment. However, the situation reflects the import and export port throughput, and real estate new construction area and some other leading index has not seen improvement, indicating that the financial crisis has not bottomed out. Comprehensive observation of these indicators, although they have not come to the conclusion has been warmer, but the momentum can be said to stabilize the economic downturn. "The worst time is over, as the government continued to increase investment, economic rebound in the accumulation of favorable factors in the increase, there will be significant economic recovery in the second half."

Zhu Baoliang said that although China's economic trends have not changed for the better long-term, government spending to boost domestic demand could also play a role in stabilizing the economy, but the real recovery also needs the world economic recovery. "Does the international financial crisis has bottomed out, is a controversial issue all over the world." United States real estate market and the recently announced retail sales data are better than expected, analysts noted that while the U.S. economy not out of the quagmire of negative growth, but Over the past few weeks have been a sufficient number of key indicators show economic contraction, slowing up to 15 months, this recession may have ended the most difficult period. For China, this change means a significant decline in exports is unlikely to continue, also confirmed the "worst time is over," the judge.

Despite signs of improvement, but really bottomed out, most analysts are cautious, indicating that further observation. Although the Chinese government earlier issued a series of crisis programs, increased investment, stimulate domestic demand policies are also widely praised by the States, but further play its role in stimulating the economy, but also take time. Meanwhile, some scholars pointed out that the new investments in the government to promote economic growth, social investment must consider how to follow up, or when the government began to exit the investment, social investment has not kept pace, then it may be second bottom . In mid-April, the National Bureau of Statistics will release first quarter economic statistics. The performance of the parties to the GDP, although not optimistic, but that a quarter of the year will be the most difficult period of three quarters after the economy will gradually warming up, the whole year GDP growth of 8% there is still hope.

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out of the ESB Mistakes: Ten Myths opened ESB

In numerous workshops, the enterprise architects of many problems, such as service-oriented architecture (SOA) related issues, how to make enterprise service bus (ESB) as the backbone of building enterprise SOA framework issues. Among them, many have questioned the significance of ESB, from which also reflects the current IT group there are some common misconceptions on the ESB. The following is the author concluded that people are most concerned about the issue of 10 ESB.

Misunderstanding 1: ESB only changed names EAI

Many groups set up SOA IT architecture, while still plagued by a problem: "ESB and EAI in the end What's the difference?" ESB is used to build enterprise SOA infrastructure, EAI than the traditional agent used more widely . According to Forrester Research's report, ESB can improve connectivity, increase flexibility to promote development and strengthen the control of important resources to help companies achieve SOA value.

ESB can be used to deal with in the past not only rely on EAI tools, integration projects can also be used to establish B2B relationships between enterprises.

EAI ESB can provide can provide functionality, but the basic structure is different: the framework for the corporate shift from the traditional way of coordinating the integration of service interactions. EAI is usually applied with star structure in the form of an independent implementation.

EAI ESB functionality provided with the same agent - connectivity, application adapters, according to the rules of message routing and data transformation engine - but these features are for SOA, they distributed and deposited throughout the service bus can be deployed independently service container. This allows us to selectively deploy the required functions integrated agency, does not produce redundant. ESB container model of the distributed event-driven features to the form of on-demand services to SOA in the integrated component independent of scalability.

In order to integrate agents to support the SOA from the real and a true sense of the ESB, we 闇? to its basic function Fensan Dao Zhong component parts before it can be deployed to the various components of Duli bus and made them Xiediaoyunzuo .

We see a transformation engine based on XSLT. The XSLT engine can model the table to a kind of XML document into another XML format. I can responsibly tell you nothing more than the analysis and processing XML in the consumption of computing resources. If the application of two regular exchange between the XSLT transformation, then the conversion is likely to become a performance bottleneck and expansion. If you use the stand-alone star integrated agency approach, then to address this bottleneck and expand the deployment of this integrated agency you have to install a processing capacity of powerful machines, or installed on multiple machines - and just to solve the conversion problem. Meanwhile, the integration of other agency functions, such as routing rules for the treatment and conversion processes also rob computing resources.

And integration framework for different agents star, ESB provides a basis for the core distributed service architecture. This architecture is for the integration, it can be integrated agency in a variety of features such as message routing, data conversion, and application adapters and other selective on-demand deployment, which constitute an independent SOA-integrated service is part.

XSLT transformation can be deployed as a service to the ESB service container, and then multiple instances of this container distribution according to load balancing to many machines. If the ESB container is cross-platform, then you also have the flexibility to select the conversion services across platforms - Linux host, Solaris host, Windows host and so on. If you do not like this simple framework, it can be considered: the definition of ESB, and those who made the impugned product suppliers also provides us with convenience: You can deploy any number of lightweight ESB service container without having to pay any additional costs.

ESB to provide such integrated services can be combined with other financial services into the SOA-based processes, thereby expanding the scope of business. ESB distributed services can be combined in the line-based (itinerary-based) routing (see Errors # 7) to achieve self-oriented, message-oriented services to interact, so that all parts of ESB can work independently without on a centralized routing engine dependence.

Myth # 2: Microsoft is using "Indigo" Creating ESB

Indigo combines Microsoft Messaging Queuing, Component Object Model COM +,. NET, and Web services. They do have a Web service extension is the message bus. This enterprise service bus is very different. Message Bus exposed the details of low-level information technology, it needs to write code to define the relationship between applications and services. The ESB is about the configuration rather than coding, so do not need to hand-write the internal interoperability between various applications. ESB help to improve the form of exposure to event-driven applications on the bus between the loosely coupled characteristics. The good news is the application of Indigo to create at least a message-based, and therefore through the ESB will be relatively simple to integrate.

In other words, BizTalk Server and Indigo in some of the things that combination may be more like ESB. But there is a very important point, namely, integration of BizTalk is a star agent, it also being in front of the ESB and EAI mentioned in all the negative implications. You can not add any costs not subject to XML conversion engine to separate from the BizTalk Server load balancing services as running on multiple machines (see previous discussion of EAI and ESB).

Misunderstanding 3: WS-Rliability and WS-Reliable Messaging and other WS-* standards will eventually demand the lifting of the ESB

ESB in the design when it should be considered, and according to the continuous development of commercial applications gradually adjust the value of the standard. WS-* standards of the development of application terminals to better interact through the ESB.

The work of a variety of parallel, WS-* standards as evolving standards for Web services as part of nature there are many uncertainties. Even if these standards was to develop a robust and widely applied, they still need a platform that can offer support. ESB standards in collaboration with the bottom level of the enterprise not related to a building, layout and management of a unified model for SOA.

The implementation of WS-Reliability standard requires reliable information and store and forward processor lasting support. Enterprise messaging layer is based ESB components through the message it persistence, store and forward, message verification message protocol and with external XA-compliant transaction processor interface to ensure data transmission quality of service. ESB deployment can make the layout of complex networks transparent message routing and message through the fault-tolerant server architecture to achieve continuous availability of information facilities. In the current high-pressure business environment, to achieve all of these designs also require many years of labor.

In other words, is the deployment of proprietary messaging layer of the ESB should also, at the same time using one or more of the WS-Rel * as a supplementary agreement to prepare for that future. However, this is not a program can solve all problems, we still need a combination of a variety of information and protocols to support.

Myth # 4: model or product?

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) The term does not actually belong to the product category; it is just an implementation and integration middleware application server coupling abstraction.

ESB is an enterprise SOA for building the backbone of the height distribution of the bus. To build a service-oriented enterprise architecture, and ESB is the foundation of this architecture bus. Since the emergence of integrated markets ESB bring a lot of impact, some integrated suppliers will release a smoke bomb that can be used in combination ESB is a middleware and application of the current facilities of the abstract model. In fact, ESB really and actually is a hardware and a few years ago can be purchased from various suppliers to. So far, manufacturing, financial services, telecommunications and retail and other industries have deployed between the number of ESB.

ESB definition should include the following basic elements:

鈼?a distributed service architecture, including an integrated component for storage of lightweight containers as a model for remote service

鈼?a can for all applications and services to provide reliable message transmission backbone of the enterprise message bus

鈼?XML Data Conversion

鈼?service orchestration and process the message content based intelligent routing

鈼?A flexible security architecture

鈼?You can configure, deploy, monitor and manage remote service management facilities

As the ESB's distributed services architecture, we can position the virtual world of any terminal to access services. The distributed services architecture is built on a service via remote configuration, deployment, management and monitoring of the lightweight service container consisting of interconnected systems. These services are achieved through a container scalability, continuous availability, low latency processing, security, consistency and quality of service (QoS) of the standardized message trunk bus to clump together.

Misunderstanding 5: ESB and J2EE application services, competition between products

ESB and J2EE app servers are highly complementary in nature. Through the use of JMS, MDB, JCA or Web services standard interfaces to connect to the ESB, even in non-J2EE environment, J2EE app server and other application servers can also be well integrated.

Most of the ESB application server technology users are also users. These users use application server and ESB as their optimal component integration environment - using the application server hosting business logic and to provide web portal in the form of services, use the ESB to integrate application servers and enterprise applications in the various back-end and data sources.

Myth 6: As long as you can use the Web service call to the portal to connect to the back-end system

Theoretically, the portal Web service call can be connected to the back-end target system, but this approach can not be extended to multiple back-end systems. Through the use of ESB, you can make the portal server via a unique interface to the bus, while the bus is a portal server may be called to the back-end systems all the various connection properties, protocol, security, and data formats of the media.

Shiyong the ESB as a gateway and portal server and may interact with the various back-end server applications of Zhongjian Cengxiangdangyu Wei Ti Gong ESB users a more flexible, Kuozhan better performance SOA, so Dang Xiangmu more successful, according to Yewuxuqiu need to change, they are free to deal with a wide range of integrated operations.

Misunderstanding 3: WS-Rliability and WS-Reliable Messaging and other WS-* standards will eventually demand the lifting of the ESB

ESB in the design when it should be considered, and according to the continuous development of commercial applications gradually adjust the value of the standard. WS-* standards of the development of application terminals to better interact through the ESB.

The work of a variety of parallel, WS-* standards as evolving standards for Web services as part of nature there are many uncertainties. Even if these standards was to develop a robust and widely applied, they still need a platform that can offer support. ESB standards in collaboration with the bottom level of the enterprise not related to a building, layout and management of a unified model for SOA.

The implementation of WS-Reliability standard requires reliable information and store and forward processor lasting support. Enterprise messaging layer is based ESB components through the message it persistence, store and forward, message verification message protocol and with external XA-compliant transaction processor interface to ensure data transmission quality of service. ESB deployment can make the layout of complex networks transparent message routing and message through the fault-tolerant server architecture to achieve continuous availability of information facilities. In the current high-pressure business environment, to achieve all of these designs also require many years of labor.

In other words, is the deployment of proprietary messaging layer of the ESB should also, at the same time using one or more of the WS-Rel * as a supplementary agreement to prepare for that future. However, this is not a program can solve all problems, we still need a combination of a variety of information and protocols to support.

Myth # 4: model or product?

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) The term does not actually belong to the product category; it is just an implementation and integration middleware application server coupling abstraction.

ESB is an enterprise SOA for building the backbone of the height distribution of the bus. To build a service-oriented enterprise architecture, and ESB is the foundation of this architecture bus. ESB integration since the emergence of the market bring a lot of impact, some of the integration vendors will release a smoke bomb that can be used in combination ESB is a middleware and application of the current facilities of the abstract model. In fact, ESB really and actually is a hardware and a few years ago can be purchased from various suppliers to. So far, manufacturing, financial services, telecommunications and retail and other industries have deployed between the number of ESB.

ESB definition should include the following basic elements:

鈼?a distributed service architecture, including an integrated component for storage of lightweight containers as a model for remote service

鈼?a can for all applications and services to provide reliable message transmission backbone of the enterprise message bus

鈼?XML Data Conversion

鈼?service orchestration and process the message content based intelligent routing

鈼?A flexible security architecture

鈼?You can configure, deploy, monitor and manage remote service management facilities

As the ESB's distributed services architecture, we can position the virtual world of any terminal to access services. The distributed services architecture is built on a service via remote configuration, deployment, management and monitoring of the lightweight service container consisting of interconnected systems. These services are achieved through a container scalability, continuous availability, low latency processing, security, consistency and quality of service (QoS) of the standardized message trunk bus to clump together.

Misunderstanding 5: ESB and J2EE application services, competition between products

ESB and J2EE app servers are highly complementary in nature. Through the use of JMS, MDB, JCA or Web services standard interfaces to connect to the ESB, even in non-J2EE environment, J2EE app server and other application servers can also be well integrated.

Most of the ESB application server technology users are also users. These users use the application server and ESB integration of the environment as their best components - Use the application server hosting the business logic and in the form of Web portal services, application servers use the ESB to integrate with various back-end enterprise applications and data sources.

Myth 6: As long as you can use the Web service call to the portal to connect to the back-end system

Theoretically, the portal Web service call can be connected to the back-end target system, but this approach can not be extended to multiple back-end systems. Through the use of ESB, you can make the portal server via a unique interface to the bus, while the bus is a portal server may be called to the back-end systems all the various connection properties, protocol, security, and data formats of the media.

銆??浣跨敤浜咵SB浣滀负闂ㄦ埛鏈嶅姟鍣ㄥ拰鍙兘涓庨棬鎴锋湇鍔″櫒浜х敓浜や簰鐨勫悇绉嶅悗绔簲鐢ㄧ殑涓棿灞傜浉褰撲簬涓篍SB鐢ㄦ埛鎻愪緵浜嗕竴涓洿涓虹伒娲汇?鎵╁睍鎬ц兘鏇村ソ鐨凷OA锛屽洜姝ゅ綋椤圭洰鏇存垚鍔熴?鏍规嵁涓氬姟闇?眰闇?鍙戠敓鍙樺寲鏃讹紝浠栦滑涔熻兘鑷敱鍦板鐞嗗悇绉嶅悇鏍风殑闆嗘垚浣滀笟銆?br />


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Streaming Media common sense: the basic principles of stream

Streaming media and the key technology is streaming. Streaming definition is very broad, and now refers primarily to the network transmission media (such as video, audio) is the general term for technology. The specific meaning of TV programs through the Internet will be sent to the PC. Achieve streaming in two ways: real-time streaming (Realtime Streaming) and the order stream (progressive Streaming). In general, such as real-time video broadcasting, using the streaming media server, or real-time applications such as RTSP protocol, namely, real-time streaming. If using the HTTP server, file streaming through the order. Of course, streaming files are also supported fully downloaded to your hard drive before playing.

Streaming implementation requires the cache. Because the Internet for packet transmission as the basis for intermittent asynchronous transmission, on a real-time A / V source or storage of A / V file, the transfer of them to be broken down into many packages, because the network is dynamic, select all packages routing may be different, so the time delay to reach the client also varies, even starting the packet may also post to. To do this, use the cache system to compensate for the impact of latency and jitter and ensure the correct order of packets, so that media data to a continuous output, and not because of network congestion to play to a standstill for the time being.

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