Friday, October 22, 2010

What the recent DVD-ROM to buy a good brand?

Friends, "Mr. Juice": I want to buy a DVDROM there any good brand introduced? I fancy Villa initial fast titanium, gold fox 2 Lite brand, Pioneer's heard enough and durable type sucker is not it?

A: DVD-ROM or better to buy Pioneer and Lite-On, Pioneer's DVD-ROM is not alone 121SA this sucker type, if you do not like the sucker type, consider a traditional tray-type, like the Pioneer 121A, Lite The new 16X DVD-ROM, their quality is good, worth your consideration.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Five easy way to get repeat customers

To secure a new customer every time when you might always want to tell him / her that you can do and you want together again. If you can for the future cooperation with this client again, not sure, then you may need to adjust certain aspects.

The first focus

Focus does not mean you need because a particular focus on the needs of a customer to give up other customers. Focus is let your customers know your preferences in the time to complete the task as he can still provide some additional outside services. No need to do something very laborious, just to do some parties initially agreed something needs to be done well, so you will be in cooperation with the customer again.

The second long will it take to get back?

Freelance lose business because a lot back too late. Do not e-mail because of makeup every day to limit their potential business opportunities (if you prefer to others and not to stay e-mail address telephone number so), but if you prefer to do so, make sure your customers know that you kind of habit.

In my own case, if I want to hire someone to work for me, I would like to know how fast I can get his answer. If you are a full-time freelancer, you should use a certain time each day to reply e-mail, phone.

Thirdly to ensure quality, not quantity

When they wanted to build a website, but you have to do three out, just to prove that 'Hey, I will!'. But do you realize that customers just want a website? Quality rather than quantity. If you spend five hours to build three extra sites, it means you not only a waste of five small and might be losing you customers. Close to the contract requirements because these requirements exist in the contract in its own raison d'etre, you made the trip just to prove you extra work, but it will not bring you extra income.

So, you work these flattering, you're good to you by, but does not mean you're the best, because someone can always do better than you. Strive to improve themselves, improve their professional skills, these are the conditions for you to make money.

Fifth return visit

Often overlooked but is the most important way to win repeat customers is a return visit previous customers. Customer service, cash the check, then will he forget about her once again means that you will not get orders from this customer. Spend a little time before you send an email to customers, or email postcards, or a call, tell him you are willing to work for him, you have very interesting projects of cooperation, and you always ready for him again work. Build relationships with your customers, to understand them, so they hire you again, would greatly enhance the possibility.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

SAIC Ssangyong Qin Zhu

Recently shortlisted in the world 500 SAIC, in the international development of the road has taken a huge step forward. September 15, SAIC and Ssangyong signed the purchase agreement of its 54.9% stake. September 16, Ssangyong Motor Company's claims Fang Hanguo Chohung Bank chief executive Cuidong Zhu disclosed that the bank is expected to be completed by the end of October this year to SAIC Ssangyong Motor Co. to sell its controlling stake held by the transaction.

Chinese auto companies in the completion of the first independent foreign acquisition, the SAIC has finally had the last laugh.

Rough acquisition of Road

"The acquisition of Ssangyong, SAIC globalization strategy is an important step." SAIC President Hu Maoyuan said so before.

In 2002, SAIC began to plan for acquisition of Ssangyong. January 11, 2003, SAIC's Shanghai Huizhong signed an agreement with Ssangyong Motor, the price of 600 million purchase of Dragons "MB100" the entire production line, which is interested in the industry as SAIC acquisition of Ssangyong's a signal.
Founded in 1954, Korean Ssangyong Motor, South Korea's first automobile manufacturer, one of the world's best provider of off-road vehicle production, initially mainly the production of heavy commercial vehicles and special purpose vehicles, and in 1993 to MUSSO series of four-wheel-drive four-wheel drive off-road vehicles off-road vehicles in Korea representative. 1997 Asian financial crisis, because of funding chain problems, Ssangyong is Korea creditor banks control of the Group. October 2003, Ssangyong creditors decide to sell stake in Ssangyong, the news immediately attracted, including Renault, GM, SAIC and many international buyers.

October 16, 2003, Ssangyong Motor and its creditor banks 55.4% equity group announced that it had sold to SAIC. Subsequently, the two plan to sign a memorandum of understanding during the year 2003. But then suddenly complications, December 16, 2003, SsangYong creditor banks suddenly announced that China Bluestar Group as a "priority negotiation object", the industry suddenly in an uproar. We have speculated on who will eventually enter the White Dragons, the situation again nosedive. After 3 months, Blue Star Group spokesman announced that the acquisition of South Korea's Ssangyong Motor to give up. In response, Blue Star's explanation is due, and Ssangyong Motor's creditors in the price so there are too many differences, the negotiations have stalled. Some auto industry analysts said the lack of government support is the main reason for the failure of Blue Star acquisition of Ssangyong, which from the outset, SAIC received the support of the National Development and Reform Commission.

In fact, alone in terms of overseas shares, SAIC, Ssangyong acquisition is not the first time. In 2002, SAIC that is 59.7 million U.S. dollars of the investment, the acquisition of GM Daewoo Automotive Technologies 10% of the shares. Hu Maoyuan news conference in the acquisition said: "SAIC GM Daewoo will participate in the promotion of SAIC in the capital, products, management, human resources and other aspects into the international market, the accumulation of international management experience."

In addition to the acquisition of Ssangyong, the SAIC capital and the pace of expansion began to try to move towards Europe. Some media reports, the British famous century-old cars and old factory Land Rover (Rover) car in June and SAIC signed a cooperation agreement, the content is one of the two companies up joint-venture companies, and medium-sized cars in Land Rover 45/MGZS cooperation based on the production of new cars. Alleged that SAIC bought the British Rover car company at least 50% stake in the project report has also been reported to the National Development and Reform Commission. Press on this matter to SAIC spokesman Xue Hao confirmation, he said, "This is not a clear result, can not do any position."

Once completed the acquisition of Ssangyong and Land Rover, SAIC will be a set of cars, commercial trucks, commercial buses, SUVs and other full range of models of car manufacturers.

Build its own brand

SAIC acquired abroad on the issue, a senior auto industry analyst with The adsorption of the reporters analyzed. "The acquisition of Double Dragon is probably SAIC strategic move in the car, SAIC Motor Group as one of the three domestic, own R & D capability is weak, not strong, independent brands, after SAIC takeover of Ssangyong Motors promptly raise the technological content, use Ssangyong's R & D capabilities, accelerate the pace of its own brand car production. "

July 12, 2004, SAIC to 97.29 billion yuan in sales revenue results for the first time appeared in the "Fortune" magazine's Global 500 List, became the first Chinese car to enter the world top 500 enterprises, to achieve this goal than the original 3 years ahead of schedule. In the SAIC website, lists the SAIC in 2007 to achieve three strategic objectives, namely: "one million cars annually, among the 500 production vehicles 50,000 own brand." To the present circumstances, it is among the world top 500 have been ahead of schedule, not be long before one million cars annually, the biggest problem now is producing its own brand vehicles 50,000 this goal can be achieved.

"Production independent knowledge of the brand, not just mean the size of the upgrade, it is self-technology, research and development capabilities, and enhance core competitiveness." Industry, said, "At present our own brand car market share of little cars , to develop the automobile industry, must have its own brand, or reduced to make the wedding dress for the position of others. "

How the domestic auto manufacturers develop their own brands, the industry is divided.姣旇緝涓绘祦鐨勮鐐规湁涓や釜锛氫竴鏄悎璧勪紒涓氬皢浼氫负涓浗甯傚満鎺ㄥ嚭鑷繁鐨勫搧鐗岋紱绗簩绉嶆槸鍦ㄩ暱鏈熺殑鍚堣祫杩囩▼涓紝涓柟瀵瑰嚑娆惧競鍦轰富鍔涜溅鍨嬫湁浜嗗叏鏂逛綅鐨勬帉鎻★紝鏍规嵁鑷繁鎵?帉鎻$殑鎶?湳鍔犱箣瀵规湰鍦熷競鍦鸿剦鎼忔妸鎻$殑鐔熺〝锛屾垚绔嬫柊鐨勬苯杞﹀巶锛屽叏鍔涙墦閫犺嚜涓诲搧鐗屻?

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2003骞达紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟鍒惰銆婁汉鍔涜祫婧?003锛?007骞存粴鍔ㄥ彂灞曡鍒掋?锛岃嚧鍔涗簬涓鸿嚜涓诲搧鐗屽缓璁惧煿鍏昏嚜宸辩殑姹借溅涓撲笟浜烘墠銆傚悓骞达紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟鏄庣‘鐢变笂姹借偂浠藉叕鍙稿拰涓婃苯闆嗗洟姹借溅宸ョ▼闄㈢粍鎴愭暣杞﹀紑鍙戠郴缁燂紝缁勫缓鑷富浜у搧寮?彂鑱斿悎宸ヤ綔缁勩?2003骞?鏈堬紝涓婃捣鏈哄姩杞︽娴嬩腑蹇冩寮忔寕鐗屾垚绔嬶紝杩涗竴姝ユ彁鍗囦簡涓婃捣鍙婂懆杈瑰湴鍖烘満鍔ㄨ溅妫?祴鑳界骇銆?br />

鍙﹀锛屾寜鐓т紭鍏堝彂灞曞厛杩涘埗閫犱笟鍜岀幇浠f湇鍔′笟鐨勮姹傦紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟涓嶆柇鎷撳睍姹借溅鏈嶅姟璐告槗涓氬姟銆?003骞?鏈堬紝涓婃苯閿?敭鍏徃涓嶢VIS鍏徃鍚堣祫鎴愮珛鐨勫畨鍚夋苯杞︾璧佸叕鍙告寮忓紑涓氾紱12鏈堬紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟涓庢棩鏈偖鑸瑰叕鍙搞?涓婃捣娓姟灞?悎璧勭殑涓婃捣娴烽?鍥介檯姹借溅鐮佸ご鏈夐檺鍏徃銆佷笂娴锋捣閫氬浗闄呯墿娴佹湁闄愬叕鍙稿悓鏃跺紑涓氥?涓婃苯闆嗗洟浜т笟浠峰?閾剧殑鏁翠綋绔炰簤鑳藉姏姝e湪鍏ㄩ潰鎻愰珮銆?br />




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